designed by Manzana
published by Forest Hill
2008年2月 福岡にて 日本語(こでらあつこ)
En el mes de Febrero se publicó un cuadernillo con 5 de mi composiciones. Se trata de una serie de obras de mediana dificultad titulada
"5 pequeñas piezas" (Los arboles, los hombres y el río), que fui escribiendo para utilizar con mis alumnos. Esta edición me pone muy feliz pues es mi primer edición de partituras, pero no solo por eso, sino porque ésta vino además con un regalo extra que no esperaba de ninguna manera y es que fue elegida para ser "obra obligatoria" en el "54 Concurso nacional de guitarra de Kyushu, Japón". Evento que se desarrollara en Noviembre de 2008, en donde además seré jurado.
La revista especializada "Gendai guitar" acaba de calificar a este trabajo, con el mayor puntaje que son 5 estrellitas. Gracias señores de Gendai!!
Solo espero que ustedes también gusten estas músicas, y que disfruten tocándolas tanto como yo lo hice al momento de escribirlas.
Texto incluido en la edición
5 little pieces
“Trees, Men and the River”
Some time ago I decided to write some short pieces in order to motivate my students out of the monotony of daily study. Working with simple thematic material and simple playing techniques, the idea was to take advantage of the natural characteristics of the instrument, in order to produce the musical ideas. From this concept, five complimentary pieces emerged, which together form a kind of suite.
The music itself is not descriptive. The titles of certain pieces sprang from thoughts or feelings, which inspired the creative process. For other pieces, the titles were added after the work was completed.
Beginning The first piece is named just as a testimony of the act of starting and is dedicated to the Canadian composer William Beauvais, who, with his work, inspired this idea.
Green and yellow Ashes are trees of generous and humble beauty which line the streets of my town in Argentina and fill the autumn, the sky and the soul with intense colors.
Zvonimir' ship is a small ship which I once came across resting on a stone pedestal in a park of my city. It is named after the poem by Vladimir Nazor that tells the story of the Croatian nation, which it could symbolize the story of all nations." It was furiously whipped by winds, waves and storms, it broke, it lies wounded on the sand but it is still here."
Little requiem for the trees is a prayer, a deep longing for the modern man to recognize himself as an essential part of nature, so that he can live in respectful and wise communion with it.
The river. The Paraná is the heart of Argentine eastern region. I was born and grew up next to this powerful river. Naming it is like looking away, yet, inwards, like visualizing sleepy islands, busy fishermen, crescent moon and deep sorrows which are carried away by the water. In the distance...I remember the things it told me.
Finally, I just want to thank those people who become acquainted with these pieces through their instruments. I sincerely hope they will find their own voice through them.
Leonardo Bravo
Fukuoka, February 2008