

あけましておめでとうございます!! 昨年はたくさんの人のサポートのおがげで、いろいろなところで演奏ができ、考えてなかったプロジェクトもできて、良い年になったことを感謝しています。本当にありがとうございました。今年も一緒に良い年になりますように一所懸命頑張りたいです。みんなで素晴らしい年を作りましょう!!
Happy New Year! ! Last year, thanks to the support of lots of people, I could perform at many places, and I could do projects that I even couldn`t expect. I fell it was a good year and I am really thankful. This year already I have many ideas for doin by miself and other with many people. I am ready to start and I hope we can make a wonderful year together! ! Thank you very very much and I wish you all a great 2019!!!

Traditional Japanese dance every espacial moment I can see here near my house.

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