5月25日〜29日で韓国の”Seongman 国際ギターフェスティバル”に行ってきました。このフェスティバルに参加させてもらうのは今回が2回目です。また呼んでいただけたことはとても光栄で、うれしかったです。
From 25th to 29th I went to wonderful country Corea. I was honored with invitation to participate for second time in the "Seongman International Guitar Festival"
The Festival took place in Seognamn Are Center and l had two main activities: The Guitar Fair with the most well know Corean Guitarmakers and The Concert. For the Concert I could played a Solo part, also with Guitar Quartet with Corean Masteres and for the final I played the Vivaldi`s D Concert with guitar Orquestra.
I spent beautiful days shared with lovely people and grateful musicians!! Also the food is always amazing there and as everytime also there is something new to try!!!
I want to deeply thank to the organizer and directed Maestros Shim Suk-Shim Zieseok and Kim Woojae for the kind invitation to participated in so nice festival, and everybody for their kindness. 정말 감사합니다
PS: (Seognam, what a beautiful city!! I am impressed with Corean sense to create a real big city that interact so well with nature!! Impressive beautiful city!!)
Classical Guitar Sound Impressions
昨日新大久保の黒澤楽器でギター銘器弾き比べ Guitar Sound Impressionssをやりました。今回も本当に本当に素晴らしい楽器ばっかり弾かせてもらいました。これだけの銘器を一度に弾ける機会はめったにありません。本当に勉強になるし、エネルギをもらいました。それぞれの楽器が個々の性格を持っていて、楽器に合わせて弾き方を変えます。楽器の特性を受け止め楽器とコミュニケーションをとりながら音を作り出していくのは本当に感動的です。使った楽器は黒澤楽器のブログにとても細かく書いてありますので、ぜひ見てください。黒澤楽器の皆さん、来てくれた方々ありがとうございました!!!
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